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Discover and create a visual identity and signature through color, texture, shape, and personality.   
Learn what clothing styles look best on you.
Create a customized color palette. 
Learn what accessories,
eyeglasses and hairstyles work best for you.
Dress to reflect your personality and define your personal look.
Beauty is created by creating harmony between your physical characteristics and your personality.


Personal Style Appointments


Personal Shopping

I am extremely grateful to Sharone  Goodman, for helping me discover the "Real Me." Working with Sharone has taught me to trust my intuition in realizing my own personal style, and coloring. She has empowered me to be able to shop, and dress with confidence. Sharone has extraordinary talent in evaluating individual coloring, as well as a unique ability, to reveal a persons level of contrast, cool or warm skin tone, body shape, face shape, and the personal story they want portrayed to the world. Each one of these aspects, are vital in making decisions, whether it's in clothing, hair style, or accessories. Before I worked with Sharone, I would look inside my closet and say, "I've got nothing to wear!" I can now look inside my closet and say, "I've got everything to wear!
Working with Sharone began as a style journey, but has become more of a soul journey.......where she has taught me to embrace and appreciate the "Real Me."

-Rivkah Kaplan

If you have ever been frustrated in trying to find the right dress for the right occasion, here's what it's like to go shopping with Sharone:  Efficient.  

She knows where to go and what to look for.  No dragging to a 100 stores where nothing fits.  Inspirational.  Sharone gets to know your self.  Empowering.  Sharone teaches and explains, showing you how to identify the styles and colors that work for you.  And did I mention fun?  Because Sharone loves what she does, and her joy is contagious.

- Hanna Silverman, PhD




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